Autologous Chondrocyte Sheets
CellSeed has conducted joint research on regeneration of knee cartilage (hyaline cartilage) with Professor Masato Sato at Tokai University and has currently manufactured autologous chondrocyte sheets for the Advanced Medicine B program as contracted by Tokai University.
Treatment method
Cells are harvested from the patient's own healthy cartilage tissue and cultured into sheets. The sheets are then stacked in triplicate and transplanted into the defective cartilage area.
Current Status of Autologous Chondrocyte Sheets
2011 - 2014 | Autologous chondrocyte sheets were transplanted to eight patients in a clinical research at Tokai University School of Medicine. |
2017 | Licensing out Autologous cell sheet to MetaTech in Taiwan |
2019 | Tokai University filed an application at the Advanced Medical Conference held by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the approval was granted as the Advanced Medicine B program. |
2020 | Started medical treatment in Tokai University as Advanced Medicine B program. Contract manufacture of autologous chondrocyte sheets started at CellSeed. |
As of 2022 | Contract manufacture for the Advanced Medicine B program continues. |
Cell Sheet Regenerative Medicine Business
Chondrocyte Sheet
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