IR Policy
Basic policy on timely disclosure
We fully recognize that timely and appropriate disclosure of our and our subsidiaries’ corporate information to investors is fundamental to a sound financial products market. We are constantly striving to improve the corporate system for disclosing prompt, accurate and honest information in the best interests of investors.
System for timely disclosure
Timely disclosure is the responsibility of the head of the Business Control & Planning Division, together with Corporate Planning Department and Legal Affairs and Intellectual Properties Department personnel. They frequently participate in external seminars aimed at enhancing their awareness of the importance of disclosure of accurate and honest corporate information.
To assist in employee education, we have produced “Rules for Preventing Insider Trading,” which is aimed at imparting deeper knowledge about and promoting greater understanding of the relevant rules. We will continue to provide, as necessary, opportunities for employees company-wide to learn more about prevention of insider trading through presentations by guest lecturers.